Packaging Efficiency: The modern way to reduce freight costs

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Operations & outbound logistics teams are tasked with ensuring that their products are getting picked, packed, & shipped in a cost-effective manner.

Today that function is much easier said than done. Nearly every cost associated with order fulfillment continues to increase causing profitability margins to get tighter and tighter.

Not only does the cost of shipping continue to rise, the pressure for companies to utilize more sustainable packaging solutions is at an all time high.

Packsize & Paccurate have teamed up together to help make order fulfillment more cost effective than ever. During this webcast, you will learn how that can be accomplished through:

  • Volumetric Reduction
  • Corrugated Reduction
  • Damage Reduction

Fill out the form and listen to the recorded webinar to learn how these benefits can positively impact your margin, customer satisfaction, and the world.

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Operations & outbound logistics teams are tasked with ensuring that their products are getting picked, packed, & shipped in a cost-effective manner.

Today that function is much easier said than done. Nearly every cost associated with order fulfillment continues to increase causing profitability margins to get tighter and tighter.

Not only does the cost of shipping continue to rise, the pressure for companies to utilize more sustainable packaging solutions is at an all time high.

Packsize & Paccurate have teamed up together to help make order fulfillment more cost effective than ever. During this webcast, you will learn how that can be accomplished through:

  • Volumetric Reduction
  • Corrugated Reduction
  • Damage Reduction

Fill out the form and listen to the recorded webinar to learn how these benefits can positively impact your margin, customer satisfaction, and the world.

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