Packsize Offers Full Spectrum Of Shipping Solutions

23. Mai 2018

It’s called an assembly line for a reason. No matter which production task is going on inside your facility, chances are that a bunch of people are going to be involved in the preparation process. As an order makes its way from warehouse shelf to the hands of a transporter and finally to the consumer, a litany of processes unfold.

According to, nearly 80 percent of Americans say they now shop online. Moreover, shipping cost and delivery speed placed second only to price when consumers were asked what factors influenced their decision to make a purchase. While price may be a hard and fast rule, shipping costs and speed can certainly be tweaked by your company—perhaps more than you realize. And that’s where Packsize is standing by to help with systems and solutions that will have you covered from end to end.

First and foremost, a box-making machine that allows for better-fitting corrugated cardboard boxes is an essential part of your packaging line. The reason why these Packsize machines are becoming a norm for companies looking to reduce space and save time is because of the customization they allow.

The EM Series from Packsize, for example, is capable of cranking out customized boxes and is adept at longitudinal and transverse cutting, creasing, and perforation. If you’ve ever had to place a parcel in the mail that was loaded down with packing peanuts or blocks of Styrofoam to prevent possible damage, you already understand how a custom box can provide a better fit.

The box is just one part of the assembly line process. Packsize provides the box-making machines, plus everything the assembly line requires in a full packaging solution. Packsize’s packaging software helps optimize packaging lines by linking machines to your WMS, among other things. We offer accessories such as conveyors and tables that can be integrated with Packsize’s assistance.

One of the most important parts of an On Demand Packaging® solution is the z-Fold® corrugated material that is used by Packsize machines. This replaces all the box sizes kept in inventory, freeing up a lot of valuable real estate. One of our customers, Legacy Cabinets, replaces 500 box sizes with just five different widths of z-Fold.

According to the Pew Research Center, 43 percent of Americans have either shopped online a few times each month, or do so multiple times per week.  This is double what an earlier Pew study found: a mere 22 percent of Americans in June 2000 had made an online purchase. This is great news if your company is prepared to handle such an influx. Packsize has a full spectrum of solutions to help get you there.

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